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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween Milk Jug Ghosts

I've been saving our milk/water jugs for weeks to do this one! My friend texted me this pin and I immediately fell in love with the idea! What a wonderful way to get into the spirit of Halloween. I love light up decorations of any kind, but over the years, lighting with flame has become more and more dangerous. It is so nice to have all of the battery powered light options that we have today with wonderful LED lights that will last for years. Halloween decorating has become more affordable and practical which makes it more enjoyable for my family for sure!

Supplies needed:

  • Milk/water gallon jugs
  • Scissors
  • Battery powered or plug in white lights or chosen color
  • Black Permanent Marker

To create these wonderfully cute decorations, just follow these few easy steps:

  1. Gather several milk/water jugs, make sure they have been thoroughly washed out and dried.
  2. Cut a hole in the back of the milk jug and insert a string of white lights, or and other color you would like.  A friend also suggested cutting holes out of each side of the jugs so that you could string lights through each jug sideways into the next one like a string of pearls.  I haven't tried this, but I am sure that would work out fine as well.
  3. Use a permanent black marker to add details to each ghost like spooky faces or words such as "boo, eek, ahh" etc.
  4. Place them out on your porch or front lawn and enjoy their ghastly glow!
Note: If you don't want ghosts, try a green string of lights instead and add funky faces for a collection of goblins!

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