Supplies needed:
- Milk/water gallon jugs
- Scissors
- Battery powered or plug in white lights or chosen color
- Black Permanent Marker
To create these wonderfully cute decorations, just follow these few easy steps:
- Gather several milk/water jugs, make sure they have been thoroughly washed out and dried.
- Cut a hole in the back of the milk jug and insert a string of white lights, or and other color you would like. A friend also suggested cutting holes out of each side of the jugs so that you could string lights through each jug sideways into the next one like a string of pearls. I haven't tried this, but I am sure that would work out fine as well.
- Use a permanent black marker to add details to each ghost like spooky faces or words such as "boo, eek, ahh" etc.
- Place them out on your porch or front lawn and enjoy their ghastly glow!
Note: If you don't want ghosts, try a green string of lights instead and add funky faces for a collection of goblins!
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